My Creative Process
"So what are these little creature things in the comic?"
Long story short, they don't have a name! At the beginning of quarantine, I started getting into needle-felting. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a craft where you stab wool with a barbed needle over and over again. Wool has little crimps and splinters in it, so when you stab it, these bits get stuck together and it creates a dense, solid thing of wool. These little creatures were some of my first attempts of needle-felting

Here's two of them, they're named Bo and Bert
aren't they lovely. beautiful little lads.
"Killing your Darlings": Cut Content
This capstone went through a lot of refining over the past couple of months, not to even mention January where I completely rewrote my entire project. This comic idea went through a few different iterations; originally it was going to be animated and featured humans instead of these weird little creatures, but that got cut from the plan pretty quick. After that, I changed up the script a couple of times. My first idea had more characters who actually talked, instead of having the omnipresent narration that the final version has. Here's some sketches of the cut characters and ideas.

"Cool. How'd you make the comic?"
I did all of it in Photoshop. First I sketched out a basic idea of the layout that I wanted and added some tones to get a sense of the value composition. Once that was finalized, I went in with a ink brush to do some basic linework but I made sure to only to line the most important parts (creatures, close plants, ect. For the background, I used a landscape/nature brush set to create a sort of abstract environment that gives the feel of a dark forest without actually having to draw and line each piece. The final file size is around 2 gigabytes now, and my computer dies whenever I try to open it.